After having spent 2 yrs 2 mths working in PSD, I decided to leave and stay at home and spend more time with Baobei, as well as to get some rest. =)

My colleagues gave me a farewell with a sweet, pretty cake which I did not have the heart to disfigure... had carefully sliced off the top layer, and it is now sealed in a ziplock bad, lying in my fridge. =)

The kawaii gers oso got me a farewell/bdae gift, which I really treasured a lot. It was a collection of the polaroid pictures we took and they had specially placed on a board with cute stickers for decoration! N I got to keep the one and only polaroid pictures! =) Thanks!!!!!!

A photo of the whole board b4 proceeding to take indiv shots

Nina, Sinti, Eileen (from left)
Changling (my oldest childhood friend) and me
Nina and Sinti
Yong Kuan (my buddy on my 1st day) and me
Eileen, Tricia, me, Ting, Sinti, Nina
Kiss from the bdae ger?
The Pigeons!
Me and Jasmine (talented Cappella Alto singer)
Nina, Eileen, Me, Sinti, Tricia. Is tt handsign for The Pigeons?
Jasmine, Eileen, Cheng, Me, Tricia, Zee, John
Haha! What are Yongkuan and John doing?
Fengrong and Eileen
Layhar, Me and Monica
Abi, Tricia, Ting
Me and Suat
Zee and me
The happy couple, Abi and her bf
Denise and me
John, Eileen, Nina, Tricia, Ting
Group foto!

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