Charmaine arrived on 12 Dec 09, Sat at 2.46am.
Below are some interesting personal facts about Charmaine that are similar to Charlotte's:
i) Her arrival timing is just a play of numbers 2, 4 and 6, also the case for Charlotte's. Charlotte's arrival timing was 4.26am.
ii) Her head circumference is the same as Charlotte's, at 35cm.
iii) Her length is 1cm shorter than Charlotte's, who measured 50cm at birth.
This time, as it is a scheduled caesearan delivery, the whole process is very much faster than Charlotte's then, which had taken over 10 hours. Me was scheduled for the caesearan at 2.30pm on 12 Dec 09 and Charmaine was born just 16 minutes later. =)
This time, me did not suffer any side effects from the epidural. *Phew* No violent shivering or vomitting, unlike Charlotte's, when me experienced both. *Sigh* Guess Dearie was right, the dosage during Charlotte's time was heavier and lasted for a longer period of time (attempted natural delivery and emergency caesearan then).
Was touched when me learnt that Charmaine was born. Tears flowed down my cheeks and Dearie wiped them for me. *Sobz* Dr Lui also did some plastic surgery on my scar, given that this would be our last child.
Will be bfeeding Charmaine too, but so far, she hasn't been latching on well... a bit depressing on my part, seeing her crying and unable to latch on properly for effective bfeeding... in the end, me have resorted to expressing the milk and feeding her via bottle.... However, still hope that she will be able to latch on properly soon...
Some photos taken: