My EDD is supposed to be 26 Dec 09. But having discussed with Dr Lui on the delivery options and the possible risks of having natural delivery (I had c-section for Charlotte), we decided to have c-section for Charmaine.

Dr Lui told us the surgery could be performed at 38 weeks on 12 Dec 09 (Sat), between 3.00 and 3.30pm. So exciting! This means the wait will be shortened to 6+ weeks from today!

Can feel Charmaine's movements becoming more active and visible lately. Dearie likes to place on his hand on my tummy and feel her movements while Charlotte likes to stroke my tummy and call "Mei Mei".

Will be shopping for toys for both Charlotte and Charmaine soon. The toys will be their gifts for each other when Charmaine is born.

If everything goes according to plan, we will have a new family member to our family on 12 Dec 09! =)
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