she said abt 8 or 10 more weeks to go b4 delivery... normalli wun take up to a full term of 40 weeks to deliver... boys may be delivered earlier than gers... hmm... dunno if dat wil b true for our baby Charlotte... we shall wait n see... enjoying my pregnancy... can see n feel her moving her whole body inside me, instead of jus her limbs nowadays... she seems to understand Dearie n me too, when we tok to her, she wil keep still... then when we stop toking, she wil move, as if responding to us =) her movements have oso started to get stronger, where me can feel slight 'poking' around... =P
dragged Dearie to watch "Sky of Love" yesterdae @ AMK Hub... a veri veri touching movie, which moved several ppl in the cinema to tears, including me... he initialli din wanna watch, as itz nt his cup of tea, but after watching, agreed the movie was nt so bad after all... watching the movie brot back sweet memories of courtship daes.... the guy lead in the movie was such a sweet guy in love, steadfast n true to the love of his life, the female lead... as the saying goes, watz urs will eventualli b urs no matter wat happens...
we bot more baby stuff tdy, including 2 packs of mammy poko disposable diapers which r on offer @ NTUC... oso bot some stuff @ the Baby Fair @ Takashimaya on Thur nite... =)) received admission notes from Mt Alvernia Hospital too, gonna fill in the admission form, indicating my room preference, personal particulars etc n mailing it back to them to do the necessary b4 actual admission during delivery... everything is falling into place... =))