Initially, for the first few times, Baobei would look around the living room n at my parents n siblings, n cringed her face and started crying... think she was scared of unfamiliar faces and surroundings...
So for the last weeks, Dearie would go in first and ask my parents and siblings not to rush forward in enthusiasm when they see Baobei... A few minutes later, me would enter wif Baobei and try to get her to familiarise with the new faces and surroundings... Our efforts pay off today! She warmed up almost immediately to them and started chuckling and playing with them! Me felt so happy! At least my parents and siblings will not feel 'detached' from Baobei now, as I can understand how they must have felt when Baobei always cried in the past when they tried to play with her!
However, she is still scared of unfamiliar faces... especially when guys come closer to her and talk to/touch her... she will cry but still look warily at them with watery eyes... hee... scared but still wanna look... at least we don't need to worry about her being 'kidnapped'... cos before the kidnapper can do so, he/she may be scared off by her wails... haha!