This clip was taken today =) Baobei is 4 months 10 daes oredi! Very fun n happy 2c her growing n responding to us each dae...

She doesnt mind playing on her tummy these daes oredi... in the 1st few months when Dearie put her on her tummy, she disliked it a lot n wld cry... but nw, whn she's trying to turn over, we wil gif her a helping hand, n turn her over on her tummy... she wil raise her head high n look @ us (oohing n ahing @ her efforts)... mebbe cos she's exerting alot of strength in keeping her head high, she will make a lot of sounds too...

As Dearie is away in US, his sis posted this clip on You-Tube so dat he could view it whn he touches down... sure Dearie wil miss Baobei alot... cos Dearie is away, Baobei's staying over @ my in-laws n me wil go over in the dae-time 2c her... Dearie wil b transiting in Tokyo on his way back on Sat, n me wil b flying over to meet him for a 5d get-away in Tokyo! =)

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