Baobei has a strong grip =) ydae, we decided to remove her mittens during dae time so dat she can move her fingers freely n touch things around her... trimmed her nails while she was sleeping (dun dare to trim her nails whn she's awake...)

She has so much fun wif her hands!

1) When we feed her, she wil place her hands on the milk bottle, as if trying to hold it... but of course, her grip is not strong enuff yet...

2) Whenever she has the chance, she will stuff her whole hand into her mouth... Dearie's aunt said if she sucks her thumb, she likes her daddy.... if she sucks her index finger, she likes her mummy... but she sucks all her fingers! it means she likes everybody, fr daddy to mummy to grandparents etc... haha

3) She holds the rattle firmly in her hand n shakes it enthusiastically, n chuckling @ the same time! in the past, she can onli wave her hands about, n brushing stuff in the process, but ydae she managed to grab it n shake it! she wil smile @ us when the rattle sounds when she shakes it!

4) She particularly likes to listen to music, so we bot a couple of those musical toys where we pull a string, the string will slowly retract while the toy plays music, some parts of the toy wil oso move in rhythm to the music.... her face brightens up when she sees the toy! she wil oso try to tug @ the string n hold it firmly, as if trying to activate the music...

5) She wil oso grab our fingers when we play wif her...

6) Last nite, she did something realli sweet to me! =) was toking to her n she used her hand to touch my face while looking @ me! =) Felt so blessed! =)))) Realli made my dae!
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2 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    hai again

    Thanx 4 accepting my frndship.
    so where r u frm
    du u hav a chat id?



  2. DeWdRoPs Says:

    i m from singapore =)