How time flies! Will be returning to work on 22 Aug (Fri)... seems like jus not long ago when me gave birth to Charlotte... 12 weeks have jus flashed by... gonna miss spending time wif Charlotte, feeding her, playing wif her, interacting wif her, singing songs to her, changing her diapers etc everydae...

Besides preparing myself mentally for the loads of work (sobz) back in office, me oso made other preparations like getting a 'curtain' to put up @ the doorway of my cubicle, a microwave sterilizer, more milk storage bottles & bags etc... Charlotte seems to noe she will b spending her weekdae noons @ Caribbean, my in-laws' plc... she started rejecting me when me bfed her last Fri n took to taking expressed milk in bottles during the daytime... @ 1st, when she rejected me, me got so sad that me nearly cried, thinking she din wan me anymore =(( then, MIL consoled me saying she's smart, knowing she needs to drink from bottles soon anyway, so might as well start practising nw... Dearie oso said letting her drink from bottles will make things easier 4me too... @ the same time, me can practise expressing milk more often, every 4 hours....

Jus hope that back in office, me will still hv time to express, cos frequent expressing will maintain the milk supply n prevent engorgement... as me will b using an electric pump, realli hope the sounds wun disturb my neighbours @ work...
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