hee... a few ppl hv been asking me whether me expecting... during the 1st trimester, me had jus smiled n din commit anything... =P

nw dat me into the 2nd trimester (13 weeks n counting), can share d good news oredi! yes yes, me expecting! =)) so excited to hv our little one growing inside me!! my body is creating a miracle, as dearie said! wonderful 2c my tummy growing everydae.... haha!

been hvg morning sickness (or rather "every moment of the dae sickness" since 1.5mths) n it gets worse towards the evening! but discomfort aside, we are both v excited n looking forward to Jun 08! EDD cld b earli Jun, who noes may deliver close to or even on my bdae! hee! =)

dearie has been reading bedtime stories to our little one b4 both of us go to sleep... we hv oso gone to Borders to purchase new storybooks, apart from the old books my siblings n i hv read whn we were young once.. hee! dis is our form of pre-natal education for our little one, hope we will b able to provide a great loving environment for him/her! =)

our matchmaker, Jieying, is gonna b our little one's godma! she is veri excited too! =))
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